- Starting pay is $12.00/hour
- Applications being accepted now!
- Flexible hours, based on your availability
- 4–12 hours per week
- Free meal for every four hour shift
- Qualifies for school work release
- Work permit required for 14–17 years old
- Build valuable life skills including:
- Time management
- Team building
- Food safety
- Effective Communication
- Problem solving
- Work/life balance
- Financial responsibility
- Find out more and apply here!
All staff must have a valid COVID-19 vaccine prior to starting
- Starting pay is $12.00/hour
- Applications being accepted now!
- Flexible hours available,
including weekends & evenings - Free meal for every four hour shift
- We accept federal work study
- Opportunities for advancement
- Build valuable life skills including:
- Time management
- Team building
- Food safety
- Effective Communication
- Problem solving
- Work/life balance
- Financial responsibility
- Find out more and apply here!
All staff must have a valid COVID-19 vaccine prior to starting